Saturday, December 29, 2012

On Vacation

I’m on vacation
The next time that you read this
Don’t know where or when

Friday, December 28, 2012

Just Being

A presence of mind
Just being in the moment
Touches all of time

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Working for a common goal

In service to all mankind
Harmony for all

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Once In A Lifetime


Ego, hot air, gall
Self-importance and false pride
Haughtiness, conceit

Sarcasm, pomposity
Bigoted, ugly

Arrogance is dark
Blocking all of life’s options
Let light in a crack

Eating humble pie
Is filled with shame and with guilt
Release guilt with love

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Stubbornness deters
Change is impeded always
There are no winners

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


What’s integrity?
Completeness of mind and soul.
What’s in your baggage?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Communication Skills

Be truthful but kind
Find the words from your heart first
Please stay light hearted

It will be reflected back
Words can always hurt

Be empathetic
Accept other opinions
Love will heal old wounds

Friday, November 16, 2012

Power Surge

This is quite a day
Technical difficulties
My computer’s fried!

The good news is this
My Windows XP still works
That’s why you read this!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Class of ‘78

O Pinocchio
Lucasian visionary
What is it you seek

The best that there is
That makes the world go around
What is your compass

What course do you steer
By sextant or manifest
A life without fear

Mime of the humans
Aspiring highest knowledge
Humor and friendship

To laugh, O to laugh
Making light of life’s trials
Sharing and caring

To know and to grow
Assessing and applying
Learning as one goes

The ultimate test
To whistle while you’re working
Be your very best

Mighty Nautilus, I

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rainbow Connection

Violet transcends
Bridging this world with the next
Ethereal you
Cobalt thought like sky
Reaches universal mind
See your new world here
Turquoise creates you
It brings your heart to your mind
Joyous blue journey
Green’s my brilliant heart
This light flows from head to toes
Emeralds’ love rays
Yellow’s emotion
The power source for my life
Sunshine’s at home here
Orange defines me
Sensuality dwells here
Loves’ interaction
Red is my balance
The joining of my two worlds
Passions rise from here