Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mayan Man

Mayan Man

Circles on the ground
Mayan man, Avalon skies

Heart as big as gold

Hummingbird in flight

Celebrate with candlelight
So the storys told

Soulful Music

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ode To Joe’s Corvair

The Chevy Corvair
Controversial in all ways
Nader’s nemesis

The ad read like this
Will get you where you’re going
It is a classic

It needs a heater
Coat hanger for the muffler
Inside ice scraper

Duct tape is needed
The floor boards were optional
It stalls on a dime

Starts with a prayer
Learn to stop from Fred Flintstone
Mostly gets you there

You may have to push
Driver needs sense of humor
Passengers should too

Memories linger
Laughter ensues with each thought
Cost of car…priceless


Photo: Google search