Saturday, September 8, 2012

To Pie And Not To Pi!

Would you like some pie?
That would be irrational!
How to divide pi?

Not pi, I said pie!
Pie? Some for you, some for I?
Is that whole or slice?

Don’t be shy, reply!
We’ll use a Euler ruler
To divide our pie.

What is its true form?
Is that a torus for us?
No, it’s just a pie!

What’s the radius?
What’s the area to eat?
Too small for square feet!

This is a query.
This food’s difficult to eat!
The reward is so sweet!

Let us start again.
What’s its square root?
It’s not root, it’s fruit!

I am SO hungry!
Can we just share our fruit pie?
I spy an answer.

That’s how we should slice our pie.
EUREKA, says I!

Ig-pay Atin-lay