Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reverse Polarity


Shid auld akwentans
When it’s niver bee from mynd
Sheerly al bee myn
P’ud the gowans fyn
Weev wander a weery fet
Tak o kyndnes cup
Morning sun til dyn
Seas between us bred hay roard
Syne my heart bee thyn
Take myn han my fer
An gees a han o thyn, Jo
Syne my heart bee thyn


Hearts Complete

As hearts do complete
Needed mending with the light
The love grows within
As a candle burns
Its warmth spreads to another
Glowing flames do grow
The rays from just one
Can spread to great multitudes
Lighting a kingdom
Just one burns brightest
A flicker of desire
To kindle two hearts
As one they do burn
Igniting their new passion
Lovers forever
The love shines so bright
Through the test of Earthly time
Soulmates evermore

Polarized Reflections

To Rise Above

Firebird rises
Purged of emotional chains
Soaring to new heights
Mastered elements
Thoughts risen to highest goals
I am King of Air
Fire heats passion
Heated air rises above
Smoke wisps pass the clouds
Without Earth’s shackles
The Phoenix ascends from Earth
Lifted from the dust
Diving in fire
Rebirth is mine says Phoenix
I am born anew

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Knight of Air

Oh, plumed champion
Knight of Air with magic wand
Hear the trumpet call
With your steed prepared
For your ethereal quests
You can meet the fight
Be charmed, you dragon,
Cross the moat, scale the fortress
The prized tower’s yours
A single candle
Burns next to the podium
Here: Book of Knowledge
Do not be afraid
Of knowledge ancient and free
For the eyes that choose sight
“My senses choose thee,
Penetrate me, thy new words,
Knight of the new code
I’ll be the herald,
For I accept thy challenge,
Life of chivalry
Fill me with thy tools,
An instrument of thy PEACE,
Carried to all shores
For this is my pledge,
To complete the round table,
The fight for what’s right
Seek the Holy Grail,
In service to each other,
There, I’ll be set free.
 Dreams I can now see
As life is manifested
 Through this, my new heart.”

House of Cards

Delicate balance
The slightest breeze can topple
Any house of cards
You must mend damage
Foundation will be stronger
If you are grounded
Look to broken heart
Cracks are first to let in light
Healing energy
A mended heart is
Capable of giving love
Heart with streaming light
Encases relationships
With solid footing
Forward motion set
Heart illuminates the mind
Mind propels the will
Will changes your dreams
Your manifest destiny
Future in your hands
Cards are not stacked against you
You’re the Ace of Hearts
Harmonize your life
Rebalance the playing field
Rebuild your castle
Castle in the clouds
Is much more than a pipe dream
It’s within your grasp
Play your trump card now
For you are in the moment
Of dreams coming true

Monday, November 28, 2011

I, Magician

Mentor asks student,
From where does the magic come?
The new student thinks.
“Mentor tests me still!
God, universe, stars, sun, moon?
These are correct. Right?”
Mentor sighs, rolls eyes.
And why do you doubt yourself?
Answers rest in heart.
How to awaken?
Hone the senses within you.
Focus. Meditate.
Be still, know you’re one.
Feel the life, strength and power.
Let your light flower.
These eyes have seen much,
Lessons of this world and more.
See beyond your reach.
Let ‘Chi’ rise within
To awaken drowsy heart
Thus restore eyesight.
Imagine the flame.
Look within. ‘Chi’ fires light,
Body comes alive.
Burn out emotions.
Rise from ashes, Oh Phoenix.
Shine as you were meant.
Mentor again asks,
Student, where is the magic?
The student pauses…
The magic’s within
But must be nurtured to grow,
For I am the seed.
Earth, air, fire and water
Applied to mind’s eye.
Mind to heart to hand
Allows grasp beyond your reach,
Grounded where you stand.
“Did I get it right?!!!”
Mentor paused…Now you’re thinking!
BUT…Can you apply?
With your help Mentor!
Thank you, Mentor sighed…
Twinkle in his eye!
In training you are
For life’s new journey ahead.
Let us now prepare.
For I am Mentor,
You are the new magician.
Take my hand. Let’s fly.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Change of Heart

Analyze your mind
Air is thought, no will to change
Think the problem through
Counter your actions
Reverse intent of your past
Fire up your will
Get down to earth now
According to Hoyle, play fair
Repair broken road
Resolve emotions
Water purifies the soul
Rebirth is now yours
Mentor is prepared
Lighted path is here for you
You must take first step

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Elements

Air equals your thought
Declutter, remove all doubt
A breath of fresh air
Earth equals grounding
Remove past, lighten the load
All burdens are gone
Fire your despair
Release the pain of the heart
Rekindle passion
Water is feeling
Open floodgates and be cleansed
Feel new life within

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Let the Good Times Roll


Love’s Lament

To have found a friend
So close to heart, mind and soul
To be snatched away
I had a friend’s ear
So close and fleeting it was
Can you hear me now?
Was it the distance
That made the hearing loss so
Or the nearness now?
Distant shores apart
With unspoken fairytales
Now a cup half filled
What holds back your voice
Is it pride or predjudice
That stops the meet cute?
A single voice sounds
A whispered welcome to home
Must be face to face
New discoveries
High roads and low roads still meet
With friends hand in hand
Happiness is near
You must take a step to it
Joy is guaranteed
It’s a leap of faith
Sure footing to Avalon
Dreams of joy fulfilled


Monday, November 21, 2011

Only You Can Free Yourself

Clear your head and heart
Leave emotional baggage
Brighter days revealed
For blame equals shame
And what have you done pureheart
But follow your dreams
Burdened and broken
Burn the bridges of the past
Rise as the phoenix
For flight is easy
When earth’s shackles are released
Soar to your new heights
A new day’s dawning
Illuminating your path
Please follow the light

Monday, November 7, 2011