Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Knight of Air

Oh, plumed champion
Knight of Air with magic wand
Hear the trumpet call
With your steed prepared
For your ethereal quests
You can meet the fight
Be charmed, you dragon,
Cross the moat, scale the fortress
The prized tower’s yours
A single candle
Burns next to the podium
Here: Book of Knowledge
Do not be afraid
Of knowledge ancient and free
For the eyes that choose sight
“My senses choose thee,
Penetrate me, thy new words,
Knight of the new code
I’ll be the herald,
For I accept thy challenge,
Life of chivalry
Fill me with thy tools,
An instrument of thy PEACE,
Carried to all shores
For this is my pledge,
To complete the round table,
The fight for what’s right
Seek the Holy Grail,
In service to each other,
There, I’ll be set free.
 Dreams I can now see
As life is manifested
 Through this, my new heart.”

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