Tuesday, November 29, 2011

House of Cards

Delicate balance
The slightest breeze can topple
Any house of cards
You must mend damage
Foundation will be stronger
If you are grounded
Look to broken heart
Cracks are first to let in light
Healing energy
A mended heart is
Capable of giving love
Heart with streaming light
Encases relationships
With solid footing
Forward motion set
Heart illuminates the mind
Mind propels the will
Will changes your dreams
Your manifest destiny
Future in your hands
Cards are not stacked against you
You’re the Ace of Hearts
Harmonize your life
Rebalance the playing field
Rebuild your castle
Castle in the clouds
Is much more than a pipe dream
It’s within your grasp
Play your trump card now
For you are in the moment
Of dreams coming true

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