Monday, December 19, 2011

Dearest Brother

Please acknowledge this
Letter from my deepest heart
For here lies your truth
Children can play games
It’s like us playing chicken
You go first, no YOU!
Draw a line on ground
I dare you to cross over
I double dare you!
They’re games people play
Even when they don’t know it
Because it’s habit
Break this old habit
It’s easy, I have gone first
Now it is your turn
Simon says do this!
Let’s play follow the leader
Of course, I’m leading!
I’m the know-it-all
I say ‘jump’, you say ‘how high’?
Or you’ll get cooties!
And we’ll laugh again
We’ll share old times and the new
Just follow my lead
Let the mud pies fly
Nothing can do us harm now
Let the good times roll
And don’t forget to
Tie a string on your finger

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