Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Knight Who Learnt To Fly

Throw down thy gauntlet
For the battle has been won
Oh you mighty knight
Remove thy armour
The weight of the world lifted
Thy barriers cast
Off thy suit of mail
There will be no more fighting
Peace of mind is found
Expose thy tunic
It reveals your true nature
Your flower of life
Your moment of truth
For this is thy true calling
Seeker of the grail
To cast thy burdens
And rise above the hard earth
Spread thy wings and fly
Commission complete
Now take the road less traveled
It’s your wanderlust
Hang a new banner
Success will fly above you
Heralding your cause
For the cause is truth
Breath of life revitalized
Rebirth is now yours
Now mirror your life
Reflect your cause in others
The circle complete

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