Friday, December 9, 2011


It’s a long, long time
And what will you do with it?
Did you think of that?

So why are we here?
For we are eternal souls
And must make our plans

God would not grant time
If we weren’t prepared for it
For time’s eternal

What loop are you on?
Do you catch the Mobius?
For you ARE on it!

What’s next? Look inside
The future is your design
Give it some real thought

Did you map it out?
This map is NOT on MapQuest
It’s in mind, heart, soul

Triangulate thoughts
Include your self and others
How do they fit in?

For we’re not alone
Interactions should be fun
Be sure you go first

Live, laugh, joy, kindness
Good ideas to start with
Get the ball rolling

We restart each day
Which steps you take are your choice
Try new directions

Should a path dismay
Go with a flow that is love
Make it a habit

Love NEVER fails you
It is proven for all time
Always in all ways

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