Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Selfless Heart

It’s misunderstood
This id, ego in control
Because it’s so rare
Suspicions arise
Doubt enters and does not leave
Other motives cling
These ideas are
Questions from the stagnant heart
It can’t see beyond
For the selfless heart
Cares not for mass opinions
But sees through darkness
Light in the tunnel
Reveals a well lit pathway
Gives a clear conscience
Fearless straight and bold
Selfless heart charges ahead
And does not look back
It sees its future
And it’s bright, like sun and moon
Energies complete
The balance is key
For the selfless heart wants naught
For it is complete
Its quest is fulfilled
Only equal eyes can see
Path of clarity
For the crown is donned
Over the heart perfected
Flawless in intent
Eyes look with kindness
Through love there is empathy
Willingness to give
Eyes to heart to hands
It’s the goal of selfless heart
A quest now achieved

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