Friday, December 9, 2011

Lighten up

To laugh at one’s self
Is a sign of good humor
For we are human

Lessons to be learned…
Pat your head, rub your tummy…
A good place to start

Next new lesson is…
Can you chew gum and walk too…
Good for you…a gift!

Ride bike, fall, redo…
Learn to tie laces, Velcro…
Hop, skip, jump, run, fly

Hey…knock, knock, who’s there...
Why did the chicken cross the…
To drive you crazy! @*?!~ ;-)

Look within and smile
Laughter’s language of angels
Time to lighten up

Don’t be serious
(The world has enough of that)
When silly will do

Laugh everyday
For fun, look past your eyes, or…
Was that pasteurized*?! ;-)

*footnote to above
Yes, it’s a personal joke
Hope you pee your pants! J

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